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How to make 2048 with Felgo - Tiles and Game Logic

How to make 2048 with Felgo - Tiles and Game Logic

Creating Tile Class

Time to bring some life to our game. According to the 2048 rules there are a few activities related to a tile life. A tile should be able to:

  1. Move
  2. Disappear
  3. Increment itself
  4. Change its color

In addition, each of these activities should also have an animation. However, just for now we make a simplified version of the tile class without colors and animation, but don't worry we add them at the very end.

Create a new .qml class with a name Tile and add the following code.


 import QtQuick 2.2
 import Felgo 4.0


   id: tile
   entityType: "Tile"

   width: gridWidth / gridSizeGame // ”300” / ”4”
   height: width // square so height=width

   property int tileIndex // is responsible for the position of the tile
   property int tileValue // tileValue is what gets incremented every time 2 tiles get merged
   property string tileText

   // tileFontSize is deduced from the tile width, so it fits into any grid size
   property int tileFontSize: width/3

   // tile rectangle
   Rectangle {
     id: innerRect
     anchors.centerIn: parent // center this object in the invisible "EntityBase"
     width: parent.width - 2 // -2 is the width offset, set it to 0 if no offset is needed
     height: width // square so height=width
     radius: 4 // radius of tile corners
     color: "#88B605"

     // tile text
     Text {
       id: innerRectText
       anchors.centerIn: parent // center this object in the "innerRect"
       color: "white"
       font.pixelSize: tileFontSize
       text: Math.pow(2, tileValue) // tileValue gets squared according to the 2048 rules (1,2,3) ->(2,4,6)

   // startup position calculation
   Component.onCompleted: {
     x = (width) * (tileIndex % gridSizeGame) // we get the current row and multiply with the width to get the current position
     y = (height) * Math.floor(tileIndex / gridSizeGame) // we get the current column and multiply with the width to get the current position
     tileValue = Math.random() < 0.9 ? 1 : 2 // a new tile has 10% = 4 and 90% = 2

   // move function
   function moveTile(newTileIndex) {
     tileIndex = newTileIndex
     x = ((width) * (tileIndex % gridSizeGame))
     y = ((height) * Math.floor(tileIndex / gridSizeGame))

   // destroy function
   function destroyTile() {

Since EntityManager works only with entities, we create an EntityBase component that makes up our tile class. We proceed by setting the width and the height of the EntityBase. The visible Rectangle is going to inherit the width and height. This way we can set a nice little margin offset without interfering with our move and position method.

Component.onCompleted() is a special component method that gets called only once when a component is being created. In fact that's exactly where we going to keep our initial position calculation and tileValue initialization.

Our next function moveTile() is responsible for the tile movement. You may have noticed that it looks quite similar to the onCompleted() function but with a minor difference. Before calculating the new x and y position, we update the tileIndex to the new position in the grid.

The last function destroyTile() is responsible for destroying a tile when two tiles are merged and one of them gets consumed.

Now go back to your Main.qml and add these two new functions before the very last closing } of the GameWindow.

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.2

 GameWindow {
   // ...

   Scene {
     // ...

   // extract and save emptyCells from tileItems
   function updateEmptyCells() {
     emptyCells = []
     for (var i = 0; i < gridSizeGameSquared; i++) {
       if(tileItems[i] === null)

   // creates new tile at random index(0-15)
   // positioning and value setting happens inside the tile class!
   function createNewTile() {
     var randomCellId = emptyCells[Math.floor(Math.random() * emptyCells.length)] // get random emptyCells
     var tileId = entityManager.createEntityFromUrlWithProperties(Qt.resolvedUrl("Tile.qml"), {"tileIndex": randomCellId}) // create new Tile with a referenceID
     tileItems[randomCellId] = entityManager.getEntityById(tileId) // paste new Tile to the array
     emptyCells.splice(emptyCells.indexOf(randomCellId), 1) // remove the taken cell from emptyCell array

The first function updateEmptyCells() keeps track of all empty tile-spots in the game, by storing the index of every empty cell in an array.We will use this array to randomly select an empty spot for generating new tiles.

The second function createNewTile() is a bit more complex.

First, it gets an empty tile-spot from the emptyCells array. Then it creates an entity Tile.qml and sets its tileIndex to the empty tile-spot index. After that the new tile reference is being sent to our tileItems (which is an array that holds all our active tiles). Finally we remove the taken tile-spot from the emptyCells array.

Ok, time to add our new functions into the game. Update your gameScene with our new friend Component.onCompleted and add the following code.

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.2

 GameWindow {
   // ...

   Scene {
     id: gameScene

     width: 480
     height: 320

     Component.onCompleted: {
       // fill the main array with empty spaces
       for(var i = 0; i < gridSizeGameSquared; i++)
         tileItems[i] = null

       // collect empty cells positions

       // create 2 random tiles

     // ...

   // ...

Now if you run the game you will notice two green tiles appearing at random positions. The next step is to add movement and merging of the tiles.

Tile Simple Move

Before writing our core game logic, we are should try to perfectly understand whats happening in the game. We can then split up the logic into more simple tasks.

First of all, let's look at the original 2048 game. The main component is the game grid, which consists of 4 rows and 4 columns. Whenever a user makes a swipe - all the tiles of the grid move in the direction of the swipe. If two tiles with an equal number align next two each other after the movement, they merge.

…Hold on a second, if all rows and columns move at the same time and in one direction, why not work only with one line of tiles at a time? For simplicity let's also consider LEFT as our swipe direction and make all movement calculations based on that

Ok, this looks simplified enough. Now it should be easier to create the logic for our game (or at least this row).

As you remember, only neighboring tiles can merge after the movement. If we assume the movement is complete, we can get the same result by simply ignoring empty spots. Hey, excellent idea! Why not make a new row with all empty spots already excluded? One less problem to worry about!

Great. Next we check if two neighboring elements have the same tile-number. In case they do, we create a new incremented element, push it to a new array and go onto the next element. If we reach the last element of the row -we can just push the element to our array, since there are no more tiles in that row to merge it with. Finally, the remaining space gets treated as empty spots. Watch the animation for better understanding.

Looking good so far... But now back to the code. Paste this function before the very last closing } of the GameWindow.

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.2

 GameWindow {
   // ...

   Scene {
     // ...

   // ...

   function merge(sourceRow) {
     var i, j
     var nonEmptyTiles = [] // sourceRow without empty tiles

     // remove zero/empty elements
     for(i = 0; i < sourceRow.length; i++) {
       if(sourceRow[i] > 0)

     var mergedRow  = [] // sourceRow after it was merged

     for(i = 0; i < nonEmptyTiles.length; i++) {

       // after all elements were pushed we push the last element because there is no element after to be merged with
       if(i === nonEmptyTiles.length - 1)
         // comparing if values are mergeable
         if (nonEmptyTiles[i] === nonEmptyTiles[i+1]) {
           // elements got merged so a new element appears and gets incremented
           // skip one element(i++) because it got merged
           mergedRow.push(nonEmptyTiles[i] + 1)
         else {
           // no merge, so follow normal order

     // fill empty spots with zeroes
     for( i = mergedRow.length; i < sourceRow.length; i++)
       mergedRow[i] = 0

     // now we create an object with the merged row array inside and return it
     return {mergedRow : mergedRow}

The steps described before are all included in this function. The reason we are not returning the array directly, but instead create an object with the array inside, is that we will return a 2nd array later. We then can access the arrays in the object by their identifier (mergedRow in this case). The syntax of such an object is {identifier: data}, you will see how to use it in the move functions soon.

Now we add a function that can take any row from our main array tileItems and convert it into an array of numbers. Add this function after the last function.

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.2

 GameWindow {
   // ...

   Scene {
     // ...

   // ...

   function getRowAt(index) {
     var row  = []
     for(var j = 0; j < gridSizeGame; j++) {
       // if there are no tileItems at this spot we push(0) to the row, else push the tileIndex value
       if(tileItems[j + index * gridSizeGame] === null)
         row.push(tileItems[j + index * gridSizeGame].tileValue)
     return row

The function is pretty straightforward. We have our main array tileItems with a length of 16. In case we just start the game the array gets filled with nulls and then with two random tiles.

Basically getRowAt(index) checks each element in the given row whether it's a null or an existing object. In case of null we push 0 and in case of object we push an extracted tileValue of the current object. So our return row is a simple one dimensional array - e.g. [1,0,0,0].

The benefit of our getRowAt(index) function will be more obvious in our next function moveLeft().

Add this after the last function.

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.2

 GameWindow {
   // ...

   Scene {
     // ...

   // ...

   function moveLeft() {
     var sourceRow, mergedRow, merger

     for(var i = 0; i < gridSizeGame; i++) {
       sourceRow = getRowAt(i)
       merger = merge(sourceRow)
       mergedRow = merger.mergedRow

Hey, our new functions are all here! This function merges each row of tileItems and writes the result in the console. Put this function in your left swipe method like this.

  // ...
 else if (deltax < -30 && Math.abs(deltay) < 30 && moveRelease.running === false) {
   console.log("move Left")
  // ...

Now run the game and swipe left.

Don't forget in the game all numbers are squared but in our code we work with raw numbers. On the right are our initial values and on the left is our console result after moving the tiles.

In case your output is correct I have good news for you. You have 85% of your game logic already done!

The only thing that's left now is the remaining swipe directions, because we can't always swipe left only. Or can we? The truth is, no matter in what direction we swipe, we always perform exactly the same chain of checks and events. Therefore we can reuse our merge(sourceRow) function for all four directions.

All we need to do, is reverse our sourceRow so it gets treated like a row that is moving/merging left. After all the merge/move calculations were done we just reverse the row back. Let's make our moveRight() exactly in that manner.

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.2

 GameWindow {
   // ...

   Scene {
     // ...

   // ...

   function moveRight() {
     var sourceRow, mergedRow, merger

     for(var i = 0; i < gridSizeGame; i++) {
       sourceRow = getRowAt(i).reverse()
       merger = merge(sourceRow)
       mergedRow = merger.mergedRow

Done! As you can see this function is almost an exact copy of our moveLeft() function but with some reverses. Our sourceRow gets reversed for the merge calculation and mergedRow gets reversed back for output demonstration. If you call this function in your swipe right method you see that all the values in the console move to the right.

We will add the moveUp() and moveDown() functions in the next section.

Tile Big Move

However, we don't want to play in the console the entire time! Yes, I'm talking about swiping real tiles now! In order to do that we need to update our old code and add some new functions.

Let's start by adding new functions, they all are pretty simple.

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.2

 GameWindow {
   // ...

   Scene {
     // ...

   // ...

   function getColumnAt(index) {
     var column = []
     for(var j = 0; j < gridSizeGame; j++) {
       // if there are no tileItems at this spot we push(0) to the column, else push the tileIndex value
       if(tileItems[index + j * gridSizeGame] === null)
         column.push(tileItems[index + j * gridSizeGame].tileValue)

     return column

   function arraysIdentical(a, b) {
     var i = a.length
     if (i !== b.length) return false
     while (i--) {
       if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false
     return true

getColumnAt(index) is a brother to our getRowAt(index) function but for columns. The arraysIdentical(a, b) function checks if two arrays consist of equal values.

This is it with new functions for now. Now let's update our old ones.

This is our new merge(sourceRow) function

 function merge(soureRow) {
   var i, j
   var nonEmptyTiles = [] // sourceRow without empty tiles
   var indices = []

   // remove zero elements
   for(i = 0; i < soureRow.length; i++) {
     indices[i] = nonEmptyTiles.length
     if(soureRow[i] > 0)

   var mergedRow = [] // sourceRow after it was merged

   for(i = 0; i < nonEmptyTiles.length; i++) {
     // push last element because there is no element after to be merged with
     if(i === nonEmptyTiles.length - 1)
     else {
       // comparing if values are mergeable
       if (nonEmptyTiles[i] === nonEmptyTiles[i+1]) {
         for(j = 0; j < soureRow.length; j++) {
           if(indices[j] > mergedRow.length)
             indices[j] -= 1

         // elements got merged a new element appears and gets incremented
         // skip one element(i++) because it got merged
         mergedRow.push(nonEmptyTiles[i] + 1)
       else {
         // no merge, so follow normal order

   // fill empty spots with zeroes
   for( i = mergedRow.length; i < soureRow.length; i++)
     mergedRow[i] = 0

   // now we create an object with the arrays inside and return it, the syntax is {identifier: data, identifier: data}
   return {mergedRow : mergedRow, indices: indices}

This function got a new array - indices. Indices is a way to keep track of all position changes and merges. Indices get initialized at the point where we push non-zero elements to our nonEmptyTiles array. They also might get edited in case some of the elements got merged. Finally they get returned as a second array of the function. You will know more about them in our next functions.

Our next method is moveLeft()

 function moveLeft() {
   var isMoved = false // move happens not for a single cell but for a whole row
   var sourceRow, mergedRow, merger, indices
   var i, j

   for(i = 0; i < gridSizeGame; i++) { // gridSizeGame is 4
     sourceRow = getRowAt(i)
     merger = merge(sourceRow)
     mergedRow = merger.mergedRow
     indices = merger.indices

     // checks if the given row is not the same as before
     if (!arraysIdentical(sourceRow, mergedRow)) {
       isMoved = true
       // merges and moves tileItems elements
       for(j = 0; j < sourceRow.length; j++) {
         // checks if an element is not empty
         if (sourceRow[j] > 0 && indices[j] !== j) {
           // checks if a merge has happened and at what position
           if (mergedRow[indices[j]] > sourceRow[j] && tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + indices[j]] !== null) {
             // Move, merge and increment value of the merged element
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + indices[j]].tileValue++ // incrementing the value of the tile that got merged
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + j].moveTile(gridSizeGame * i + indices[j]) // move second tile in the merge direction(will be visible only when all animations are set up)
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + j].destroyTile() // and destroy it
           } else {
             // Move only
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + j].moveTile(gridSizeGame * i + indices[j]) // move to the new position
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + indices[j]] = tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + j] // update the element inside the array
           tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + j] = null // set to empty an old position of the moved tile

   if (isMoved) {
     // update empty cells
     // create new random position tile

Well, this function clearly gained some weight but let's not blame it, because it has pretty hard work to do.

The first part of function should already be familiar to you. We fill our sourceRow, make calculation with our merge methods and give it all to mergedRow. However, now our merge(sourceRow) function also return indices, so we provide a separate array for them.

After that we go through an enormous amount of if statements to get to our old tile functions. You should remember them all: moveTile – moves tile to a specified position, destroyTile – destroys a tile.

The part where tiles get merged is pretty simple. One tile doesn't move but gets incremented. Another tile is moving onto the first tile and gets destroyed (fade out) in the motion. The fading out part is not visible yet because the animations are not set up yet. Another nice thing is that, since the only tile that changed its index was the one that got destroyed we don't need to update our tileItems array.

However, when only movement happens we do need update its position inside the tileItems array and move the tile.

Here we go. Our moveLeft() function is complete.

Next are our moveRight(), moveUp(), moveDown() functions. They all behave in the exact same manner, just with some reversing. Also, for moveUp() and moveDown() we going to use our new getColumnAt(index) function and not getRowAt(index).


 function moveRight() {
   var isMoved = false
   var sourceRow, mergedRow, merger, indices
   var i, j, k // k used for reversing

   for(i = 0; i < gridSizeGame; i++) {
     // reverse sourceRow
     sourceRow = getRowAt(i).reverse()
     merger = merge(sourceRow)
     mergedRow = merger.mergedRow
     indices = merger.indices

     if (!arraysIdentical(sourceRow,mergedRow)) {
       isMoved = true
       // reverse all other arrays as well
       // recalculate the indices from the end to the start
       for (j = 0; j < indices.length; j++)
         indices[j] = gridSizeGame - 1 - indices[j]

       for(j = 0; j < sourceRow.length; j++) {
         k = sourceRow.length -1 - j

         if (sourceRow[k] > 0 && indices[k] !== k) {
           if (mergedRow[indices[k]] > sourceRow[k] && tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + indices[k]] !== null) {
             // Move and merge
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + indices[k]].tileValue++
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + k].moveTile(gridSizeGame * i + indices[k])
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + k].destroyTile()
           } else {
             // Move only
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + k].moveTile(gridSizeGame * i + indices[k])
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + indices[k]] = tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + k]
           tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + k] = null

   if (isMoved) {
     // update empty cells
     // create new random position tile


 function moveUp() {
   var isMoved = false
   var sourceRow, mergedRow, merger, indices
   var i, j

   for (i = 0; i < gridSizeGame; i++) {
     sourceRow = getColumnAt(i)
     merger = merge(sourceRow)
     mergedRow = merger.mergedRow
     indices = merger.indices

     if (! arraysIdentical(sourceRow,mergedRow)) {
       isMoved = true
       for (j = 0; j < sourceRow.length; j++) {
         if (sourceRow[j] > 0 && indices[j] !== j) {
           // keep in mind now we are working with COLUMNS NOT ROWS!
           // i and j are swapped when arranging tileItems
           if (mergedRow[indices[j]] > sourceRow[j] && tileItems[gridSizeGame * indices[j] + i] !== null) {
             // Move and merge
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * indices[j] + i].tileValue++
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * j + i].moveTile(gridSizeGame * indices[j] + i)
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * j + i].destroyTile()
           } else {
             // just move
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * j + i].moveTile(gridSizeGame * indices[j] + i)
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * indices[j] + i] = tileItems[gridSizeGame * j + i]
           tileItems[gridSizeGame * j + i] = null

   if (isMoved) {
     // update empty cells
     // create new random position tile

Keep in mind j and i are swapped since we working with columns.


 function moveDown() {
     var isMoved = false
     var sourceRow, mergedRow, merger, indices
     var j, k

     for (var i = 0; i < gridSizeGame; i++) {
       sourceRow = getColumnAt(i).reverse()
       merger = merge(sourceRow)
       mergedRow = merger.mergedRow
       indices = merger.indices

       if (! arraysIdentical(sourceRow,mergedRow)) {
         isMoved = true

         for (j = 0; j < gridSizeGame; j++)
           indices[j] = gridSizeGame - 1 - indices[j]

         for (j = 0; j < sourceRow.length; j++) {
           k = sourceRow.length -1 - j

           if (sourceRow[k] > 0 && indices[k] !== k) {
             // keep in mind now we are working with COLUMNS NOT ROWS!
             // i and k will be swapped when arranging tileItems
             if (mergedRow[indices[k]] > sourceRow[k] && tileItems[gridSizeGame * indices[k] + i] !== null) {
               // Move and merge
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * indices[k] + i].tileValue++
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * k + i].moveTile(gridSizeGame * indices[k] + i)
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * k + i].destroyTile()

             } else {
               // Move only
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * k + i].moveTile(gridSizeGame * indices[k] + i)
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * indices[k] + i] = tileItems[gridSizeGame * k + i]
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * k + i] = null

     if (isMoved) {
       // update empty cells
       // create new random position tile

Just like previous one but with reversed arrays.

Now make sure your swipe controls and keyboard controls are all set and have corresponding functions.

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.2

 GameWindow {
   // ...

   Scene {
     // ...

     Item {
       id: keyboardController

       Keys.onPressed: {

         if (event.key === Qt.Key_Left && moveRelease.running === false) {
           event.accepted = true
           console.log("move Left")
         else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Right && moveRelease.running === false) {
           event.accepted = true
           console.log("move Right")
         else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Up && moveRelease.running === false) {
           event.accepted = true
           console.log("move Up")
         else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Down && moveRelease.running === false) {
           event.accepted = true
           console.log("move Down")

     MouseArea {
       anchors.fill: gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem

       property int startX // initial position X
       property int startY // initial position Y
       property string direction // direction of the swipe
       property bool moving: false

       //3 Methods below check swiping direction
       //and call an appropriate method accordingly
       onPressed: {
         startX = mouse.x //save initial position X
         startY = mouse.y //save initial position Y
         moving = false

       onReleased: {
         moving = false

       onPositionChanged: mouse => {
         var deltax = mouse.x - startX
         var deltay = mouse.y - startY

         if (moving === false) {
           if (Math.abs(deltax) > 40 || Math.abs(deltay) > 40) {
             moving = true

             if (deltax > 30 && Math.abs(deltay) < 30 && moveRelease.running === false) {
               console.log("move Right")
             else if (deltax < -30 && Math.abs(deltay) < 30 && moveRelease.running === false) {
               console.log("move Left")
             else if (Math.abs(deltax) < 30 && deltay > 30 && moveRelease.running === false) {
               console.log("move Down")
             else if (Math.abs(deltax) < 30 && deltay < 30 && moveRelease.running === false) {
               console.log("move Up")


   // ...

Note that we also added a check for system.desktopPlatform to our onKeyPressed() handler. We only want to allow keyboard input if the game is run on a desktop computer.

Try to start the game. Everything should work fine now.

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