How to make a game like Pong with Felgo - Special Effects How to make a game like Pong with Felgo - Further Perspectives
How to make a game like Pong with Felgo - Music and Sound
No game is complete without music and soundeffects. First of all, you will have to create a subdirectory snd in your main qml directory and place your soundfiles, for instance: collision.wav, ping.wav or pong.wav in the snd directory. You can add a background music item at the end of your VPongScene.qml.
... // use BackgroundMusic for long-playing background sounds BackgroundMusic { id: backgroundMusic // don't use mp3 on Symbian & MeeGo (they are not supported there) use ogg instead (i.e. 128 Kbit/s, 44.1kHz, Stereo), on all others play mp3 (i.e. 320Kbit/s, 48 kHz, Stereo) source: system.isPlatform(System.Symbian)||system.isPlatform(System.Meego) ? "../assets/snd/bg_edge.ogg" : "../assets/snd/bg_edge.mp3" volume: 0.8 } ...
You can add ping and pong sounds to the end of Paddle.qml now. Each paddle should sound differently. Therefore, the sound file loaded depends on the player ID.
... // gets played at a collision, .wav file (44.1kHz, Stereo) GameSoundEffect { id: collisionSound source: playerID === 1 ? "../../assets/snd/ping.wav" : "../../assets/snd/pong.wav" volume: 1.0 } ...
The sound should be started when something collides with the paddle.
... BoxCollider { id: boxCollider ... fixture.onBeginContact: { // play the collision sound when the paddle collides with anything collisionSound.play(); } } ...
To gain audio feedback during collisions with walls you can add a collision sound at the end of Wall.qml.
... // Collision sound .wav file (44.1kHz, Stereo) GameSoundEffect { id: collisionSound source: "../../assets/snd/collision.wav" volume: 0.3 } ...
When onBeginContract of the BoxCollider is called, it can trigger the sound effect.
... // Box Collider is used due to the boxed form BoxCollider { id: boxCollider // The wall should not move bodyType: Body.Static // When something collides with the box, this function is called fixture.onBeginContact: { // The color of the inner Rectangle changed to give visual feedback innerRect.color = "green" // start the timer timer.start() // Play a collision sound collisionSound.play(); } } ...
Finally you created a small game with Felgo which includes many concepts from entity components to sound effects. This was the first step and more demo games are available which provide more information.
How to make a game like Pong with Felgo - Special Effects How to make a game like Pong with Felgo - Further Perspectives
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