This module provides particles using Qt Quick 3D.
Affectors modify the attributes of particles during their lifetime |
Attracts particles towards a position or a shape |
Directions assign velocity for the emitted particles |
Dynamic emitter bursts |
Declarative emitter bursts |
Accelerates particles to a vector of the specified magnitude in the specified direction |
Line particle |
Blends particle effect with a 3D model |
Particle using a Qt Quick 3D Model |
Abstract logical particle |
Abstract base type of particle shapes |
Loads custom particle shapes for emitters and affectors |
Emitter for logical particles |
Offers particle shape from model for emitters and affectors |
Offers 3D shapes for emitters and affectors |
A system which includes particle, emitter, and affector types |
Provides information of the particle system |
Rotates particles around a pivot point |
Particle repeller |
Particle scale affector |
Particle using a 2D sprite texture |
Provides image sequence features for the Sprite particles |
For specifying a direction towards the target position |
Emitter for logical particles from other particles |
For specifying a direction towards the target direction |
Applies random wave curves to particles |