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Obsolete Members for QVariant

The following members of class QVariant are deprecated. They are provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using them in new code.

Public Types

(deprecated) enum Type { Invalid, BitArray, Bitmap, Bool, Brush, …, UserType }

Public Functions

(deprecated (6.0)) QVariant(QVariant::Type type)
(deprecated (6.0)) bool canConvert(int targetTypeId) const
(deprecated (6.0)) bool convert(int targetTypeId)
(deprecated (6.0)) QVariant::Type type() const

Static Public Members

(deprecated (6.0)) QVariant::Type nameToType(const char *name)
(deprecated (6.0)) const char * typeToName(int typeId)

Member Type Documentation

enum QVariant::Type

This enum is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

Use QMetaType::Type instead.

This enum type defines the types of variable that a QVariant can contain.

Constant Value Description
QVariant::Invalid QMetaType::UnknownType no type
QVariant::BitArray QMetaType::QBitArray a QBitArray
QVariant::Bitmap QMetaType::QBitmap a QBitmap
QVariant::Bool QMetaType::Bool a bool
QVariant::Brush QMetaType::QBrush a QBrush
QVariant::ByteArray QMetaType::QByteArray a QByteArray
QVariant::Char QMetaType::QChar a QChar
QVariant::Color QMetaType::QColor a QColor
QVariant::Cursor QMetaType::QCursor a QCursor
QVariant::Date QMetaType::QDate a QDate
QVariant::DateTime QMetaType::QDateTime a QDateTime
QVariant::Double QMetaType::Double a double
QVariant::EasingCurve QMetaType::QEasingCurve a QEasingCurve
QVariant::Uuid QMetaType::QUuid a QUuid
QVariant::ModelIndex QMetaType::QModelIndex a QModelIndex
QVariant::PersistentModelIndex (since Qt 5.5) QMetaType::QPersistentModelIndex a QPersistentModelIndex
QVariant::Font QMetaType::QFont a QFont
QVariant::Hash QMetaType::QVariantHash a QVariantHash
QVariant::Icon QMetaType::QIcon a QIcon
QVariant::Image QMetaType::QImage a QImage
QVariant::Int QMetaType::Int an int
QVariant::KeySequence QMetaType::QKeySequence a QKeySequence
QVariant::Line QMetaType::QLine a QLine
QVariant::LineF QMetaType::QLineF a QLineF
QVariant::List QMetaType::QVariantList a QVariantList
QVariant::Locale QMetaType::QLocale a QLocale
QVariant::LongLong QMetaType::LongLong a qlonglong
QVariant::Map QMetaType::QVariantMap a QVariantMap
QVariant::Transform QMetaType::QTransform a QTransform
QVariant::Matrix4x4 QMetaType::QMatrix4x4 a QMatrix4x4
QVariant::Palette QMetaType::QPalette a QPalette
QVariant::Pen QMetaType::QPen a QPen
QVariant::Pixmap QMetaType::QPixmap a QPixmap
QVariant::Point QMetaType::QPoint a QPoint
QVariant::PointF QMetaType::QPointF a QPointF
QVariant::Polygon QMetaType::QPolygon a QPolygon
QVariant::PolygonF QMetaType::QPolygonF a QPolygonF
QVariant::Quaternion QMetaType::QQuaternion a QQuaternion
QVariant::Rect QMetaType::QRect a QRect
QVariant::RectF QMetaType::QRectF a QRectF
QVariant::RegularExpression QMetaType::QRegularExpression a QRegularExpression
QVariant::Region QMetaType::QRegion a QRegion
QVariant::Size QMetaType::QSize a QSize
QVariant::SizeF QMetaType::QSizeF a QSizeF
QVariant::SizePolicy QMetaType::QSizePolicy a QSizePolicy
QVariant::String QMetaType::QString a QString
QVariant::StringList QMetaType::QStringList a QStringList
QVariant::TextFormat QMetaType::QTextFormat a QTextFormat
QVariant::TextLength QMetaType::QTextLength a QTextLength
QVariant::Time QMetaType::QTime a QTime
QVariant::UInt QMetaType::UInt a uint
QVariant::ULongLong QMetaType::ULongLong a qulonglong
QVariant::Url QMetaType::QUrl a QUrl
QVariant::Vector2D QMetaType::QVector2D a QVector2D
QVariant::Vector3D QMetaType::QVector3D a QVector3D
QVariant::Vector4D QMetaType::QVector4D a QVector4D
QVariant::UserType QMetaType::User Base value for user-defined types.

Member Function Documentation

QVariant::QVariant(QVariant::Type type)

This function is deprecated since 6.0. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

Use the constructor taking a QMetaType instead.

Constructs an uninitialized variant of type type. This will create a variant in a special null state that if accessed will return a default constructed value of the type.

See also isNull().

bool QVariant::canConvert(int targetTypeId) const

This function is deprecated since 6.0. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

This is an overloaded function.

Use canConvert(QMetaType(targetTypeId)) instead.

See also QMetaType::canConvert().

bool QVariant::convert(int targetTypeId)

This function is deprecated since 6.0. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

Use convert(QMetaType(targetTypeId)) instead.

Casts the variant to the requested type, targetTypeId. If the cast cannot be done, the variant is still changed to the requested type, but is left in a cleared null state similar to that constructed by QVariant(Type).

Returns true if the current type of the variant was successfully cast; otherwise returns false.

A QVariant containing a pointer to a type derived from QObject will also convert and return true for this function if a qobject_cast to the type described by targetTypeId would succeed. Note that this only works for QObject subclasses which use the Q_OBJECT macro.

Note: converting QVariants that are null due to not being initialized or having failed a previous conversion will always fail, changing the type, remaining null, and returning false.

See also canConvert() and clear().

[static] QVariant::Type QVariant::nameToType(const char *name)

This function is deprecated since 6.0. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

Use QMetaType.fromName(name).id() instead

Converts the string representation of the storage type given in name, to its enum representation.

If the string representation cannot be converted to any enum representation, the variant is set to Invalid.

QVariant::Type QVariant::type() const

This function is deprecated since 6.0. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

Use typeId() or metaType() instead.

Returns the storage type of the value stored in the variant. Although this function is declared as returning QVariant::Type, the return value should be interpreted as QMetaType::Type. In particular, QVariant::UserType is returned here only if the value is equal or greater than QMetaType::User.

Note that return values in the ranges QVariant::Char through QVariant::RegExp and QVariant::Font through QVariant::Transform correspond to the values in the ranges QMetaType::QChar through QMetaType::QRegularExpression and QMetaType::QFont through QMetaType::QQuaternion.

Pay particular attention when working with char and QChar variants. Note that there is no QVariant constructor specifically for type char, but there is one for QChar. For a variant of type QChar, this function returns QVariant::Char, which is the same as QMetaType::QChar, but for a variant of type char, this function returns QMetaType::Char, which is not the same as QVariant::Char.

Also note that the types void*, long, short, unsigned long, unsigned short, unsigned char, float, QObject*, and QWidget* are represented in QMetaType::Type but not in QVariant::Type, and they can be returned by this function. However, they are considered to be user defined types when tested against QVariant::Type.

To test whether an instance of QVariant contains a data type that is compatible with the data type you are interested in, use canConvert().

See also userType() and metaType().

[static] const char *QVariant::typeToName(int typeId)

This function is deprecated since 6.0. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

Use QMetaType(typeId).name() instead.

Converts the int representation of the storage type, typeId, to its string representation.

Returns nullptr if the type is QMetaType::UnknownType or doesn't exist.

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